Posted by: flramblings | February 4, 2008

Who’s gonna tote the load?

This Sunday, when asked in an ABC interview about her plan to enforce universal health care if elected, dodged the question of imposing fees and/or garnishing wages to do so. She specifically mentioned enforced enrollment and higher taxes.

Now one could ask, how could she do that to the poor and low income families. The most likely answer is, she wouldn’t. That’s how she would press the issue through and gain broad support of the masses. If they don’t have to pay for it, of course they’ll support it.

So who would she tax and or garnish? Those who are already paying the bill. The middle class and up. Currently the top 25% of income earners pays 86% of income taxes.

You may respond, well, that leaves me out. Think again. If your household has an annual income of $62,000 or more, you are in the group of those paying the bill (2005 Tax Foundation Data). Just as an FYI, the top 50% of income earners ($31,000 and above) pay 96.93% of all income taxes.

So who do you think Hillary or anyone else wishing to garnish wages, impose additional fees and increase taxes on the taxpayer to fund a giveaway to the lower 50% will appeal to? Do you think she’ll have any difficulty getting their support?

NOW! What was your income last year? Which of the above groups will you fall into? The upper 50% of income earners, or the lower 50%? Are you ready to increase the amount of your income you send to the federal government? Think, know the facts before you decide. Free heathcare doesn’t mean free, someone has to tote the load, the short odds are it’ll be you.

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